Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing

Over the years I’ve done nutrition response training (on and off). But when I am consistent about getting scanned and taking my supplements, I feel better and its as simple as that! I started going seven-ish years ago, and I quickly learned things I should avoid, and which organ of mine needed the most attention (it's always my thyroid). 

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

NRT is a study of how the different points on the surface of the body relate to the state of health and to the flow of energy in each and every organ and function of the body. This is a great source of info (if you want to read up on it more)

Getting Scanned

A new location opened up in town so I went in for a quick scan to see where I was. I haven’t had a scan in a while so it was time. It's a really easy process to get scanned, this is what a scan looks like. Per my scan I found that my previous treatment regimen was working, but it wasn't enough and I needed to add a few components to it to help support my organs, and another supplements to aid detox.

Standard Process Supplements

After doing it for some many years I was pretty good at sensing what I needed to be taking so I opened up my own Standard Process account and started ordering my own supplements. The supplements are separate from Nutrition Response, my provider chooses to use this brand so that why I started on it. I’ve been asked about this before, but I wanted to make it clear that you can take Standard Process supplements without doing Nutrition Response (and vice versa).

My Scan

During my scan I found that my thyroid was the weakest and needed some attention. I have been taken supplements to help support this organ over the years. I’ve actually had blood work taken while off the supplements and while on it, and my thyroid functions way better on the supplements. I can literally see it in the numbers of my TSH and T4 levels! I’ve been ordering my own products for the past couple years, but if you are new to Nutrition Response I would buy them where you get tested. In order to get your own account you must be a licensed healthcare provider and you have to apply for an account.


My scan revealed that I was struggling with chemicals, even though I do my very best to avoid them! A lot of people struggle with this as well, there are chemicals in everything! I always ask which chemicals I am testing for, and the test isn’t incredibly specific. But it can be chemical additives to food (super hard to detect) or products used topically (think makeup, skincare). So while its difficult avoid them completely I try really hard too. I always check the package labels and anything *extra* I avoid. I switched over to all natural skincare products a few years ago (all of that for another post).

Moving Forward

My scan was really straight forward, I ended up leaving with 3 supplements. My regimen is to take two per day, the cost of the supplements were in the range of $50 which I don’t think is too expensive. Here are the supplements I’m currently taking; min-tran thytrophin parotid and spanish radish

Finding a Provider

If you are local, I would love to share where I go and help you get set up! If not I would ask around, word of mouth is the best way to find a good practitioner. Please reach out if you have any questions!