Making A Difference

1/14/2021 a day of professional & personal growth. On this day I got to give others hope, in the form of an immunization. My pharmacy received one of the first shipments of the Covid-19 vaccine and together with my team we started the battle against Covid-19. As the patients came in one-by-one, fifteen minutes apart, wearing masks and loaded up on hand sanitizer we gave people a chance to dream of the future. It was an emotionally charged day, a flood of feelings for everyone

During my 12-hour shift (and everyday since then) I experienced moments that I will never forget. I will always remember that way I felt when my patient looked me in the eye and said “thank you I have hope that I will survive the pandemic”. To say it was a powerful day, would be an understatement. 

Whether you believe in this vaccine or not, for some patients there is no other option. With pre-existing conditions, coupled with advanced age & the desire to live out the rest of their life outside of quarantine there is no other alternative. It felt good to make a difference in my patient’s lives, and give them the chance to return to a “semi-normal” life again. 

There have been tears of joy after receiving the shot. Coupled with stories of loss, isolation, frustration over access to the vaccine. Stories of waking up early and driving to vaccine sites only to be turned away, cancelled appointments, and worry of a shortage of vaccine. I’ve seen patients who (literally) have not left their home since March. Patients wearing medical masks with cloth masks over it, along with gloves on and face shields as they enter into a public space after months of quarantine.

Since 1/14/2021 we (my pharmacy team & myself) have administered over 750 vaccines. I am proud of all the pharmacists and technicians out there doing their best to get as many shots into patient’s arms as possible. At times balancing it all can be a struggle, but at the end of the day it is truly making a difference.