Goals for 2021

The average life expectancy of New Year's Resolutions is about 2 weeks, and this year it feels like people are giving up even sooner. 2021 has started out as a pretty stressful year with Covid cases on the rise and everything happening on the news. 

I really try to stick to my resolutions, starting Apothea was exactly that for me in 2020: a resolution! 

In an attempt to stick to my goals and for public accountability I am sharing my goals for 2021. 


#1 Board Certification in Medication Therapy Management Specialist.

Since starting Apothea I’ve gotten numerous requests to offer MTM services as a consultant. I’ve gone ahead and met the requirements for the exam and paid the exam fee. Now I need to set a date and come up with a study plan.

#2 Blog

Continue to write 1 blog post a week, this is not a huge goal for me. I was able to keep up with this pace last year, but I did sign on a long term consulting client and overall I have less time to dedicate to this. With that in mind I plan on doing one fun blog post a month, not related to pharmacy. 

# 3 Book Review

Write one book review a month. I love reading and I’ve learned a ton from books I’ve read. My goal is to write a review on a book I found helpful each month.

#4 Write E-Book

Finished writing my e-book “Lessons Learned”. This is a project that I’ve been working on for a while. I generally wait until I feel inspired and write a few pages at a time. It’s definitely coming along, but it’s something I want to finish. I don’t know that I’ll publish it right away, but to have a completed manuscript would be an accomplishment.