Being a List Maker

The Power of List-Making

I’ve been a list-maker for most of my life, but I’ve never been as consistent with this practice until I became a mom of two! There is something freeing by putting the pen to paper, and not having to worry about missing or forgetting an important task. I like to literally write down my lists, and the goal is always to be able to check off 3 items. Whatever I don’t finish gets carried over to the next day. I have some big-list items that go on another list, which sits at my desk permanently.

Writing a list makes me feel:

  1. Accomplished: You write it down, you get it done! Because there is nothing better than clearing that list.

  2. Efficient: When I look at everything I need to do, I strategize how to work those tasks into my day. Is there an easy task I knock right out of the way? Or should I work on the hardest task first (while I have the energy)? Either way, looking at my list helps me to conceptualize how I should use my time. 

  3. Less Stress: I worry about forgetting things, or having something fall through the cracks. Writing it down gives me freedom to not have to remember everything, and less stress because if I do forget something I can reference my lists. I save mine, usually for about a month and then it's freeing to throw it all out when done! 

  4. Ideas: Oftentimes I get my best ideas at the most inconvenient times to write them down. When this happens I open the notes section of my phone and jot it down quickly. 

As a full-time pharmacist, managing employees, and raising 2 little kids, being a list maker is saving my life. I find creative energy when I have less stress, and this is one way I can do that.  Checking off a to-do-list gives me a great sense of accomplishment.