Starting a Small Business

I always enjoy when other business are transparent about their journey, and I thought I’d share how Apothea began. It all began right here on my front porch!

Starting Apothea has long been a dream of mine, but it wasn’t until Covid-19 that I took the steps to form the business. In March I began writing up my business plan, and soon after started looking for a designer to build my business logo and website. I went through 3 design phases before I decided on my current logo, and my website was finalized by May 2020. I absolutely love how my brand package turned out, it represent my business goals and personality perfectly! I would strongly advise to hold out and find a designer that you already love their work, it makes the process a lot easier. For my website I used Emily at We Are Charette, and the process was so easy and I highly recommend her!

I officially launched in June 2020, and right from the start I had a bit of interest. It's important to find your niche and stick with it. I started the blog as a way to introduce myself and my interest to my audience and potential clients. This has been a really good decision for Apothea, before I get on a call with a potential client I can send them to my blog to get an idea of my interests and writing style. 

Since starting I’ve worked for a handful of clients and I am starting some new clients in the upcoming months. I realized that three clients at a time is my golden number, I still work a full time job as a Pharmacy Manager so I need to make sure I am not taking on too much. I’ve also done some free work and write-ups for some other small business, you have to give back when you can! My next project is to build out the website and include a page of “companies I’ve worked with” and “testimonials” everyone wants to know about your work and who you’ve worked with. Now that I have some clients under my belt, I have work I am proud to share.

Apothea is still a very small business, I love supporting other small business so if you are looking for help or advice reach out to me! I love hearing from my readers!

Linda Dumas