Perelel Prenatal Vitamin Review

“Ask the Pharmacist for a recommendation”

In my clinical practice, as a community pharmacist I often find myself consulting with moms-to-be regarding selecting a good prenatal vitamin. I work around the corner from a hospital that has two major OB-GYN offices in it, and often the doctors and midwives send the patients to the pharmacy for advice.

“What trimester are you in?”

I love doing these consults, there is always excitement from the mom about getting the very best for her future baby. As a pharmacist & new mom-to-be I can definitely relate! When I start my consults I always ask “What trimester are you in?” because as you move through your pregnancy, you could benefit from adding different supplements into your regimen. Of course getting a good core prenatal vitamin is necessary, but also incorporating a good omega with DHA/EPA can have major benefits for babies. It’s often hard to find a good prenatal that contains both, the reasoning is the omega is generally a liquid in a capsule and the prenatal is an encapsulated powder.

So now that I am the patient, which prenatal vitamin will I take?

I searched the internet for a good comprehensive prenatal vitamin, and that is when I discovered Perelel. I am currently taking the 3rd Trimester Prenatal Pack, and it has the best combinations of supplements including; core prenatal, omega (DHA & EPA) , calcium & magnesium, and a probiotic. I really love that Perelel thought to include these extra supplements in the pack for a few reasons:

  1. As you advance in your pregnancy there is an increased need for calcium as the baby’s born form and hardens. The mother’s body will often give all the dietary calcium to the baby and it's really common for moms to get cavities as a result.

  2. Most people are deficient in Magnesium, in general we don’t get enough magnesium in our diet. A deficiency can cause muscle cramping, and fatigue. I’ve found that when I miss my prenatal vitamins, I get charley horse cramps (a direct result of low magnesium).

  3. A healthy gut can improve a lot of the undesirable GI side effects associated with pregnancy (most commonly constipation). Perelel thought of that and has your covered there as well too! A probiotic helps increase the good bacteria in your gut and has been shown in studies to have a positive effect on immunity as well.

Mom-Brain: it is real.

When you start to add in these other supplements to your daily regimen, it can get time consuming and I am very familiar with mom-brain! Perelel makes it easy, everything you need in one packet! I keep one in my purse, at work, and in my nightstand just in case I forget to take it. You don’t have to have 5 different bottles on your counter, Perelel has literally made it so simple! 

After Baby

Perelel has thought of that too! In what many call the 4th trimester its just as important to continue to supplement properly. I will be transitioning to the Mom Multi Support Pack, again it contains the same core prenatal, omega, but has 2 other supplements called the beauty blend & stress blend. I was super intrigued into what was included in each blend. As most moms will tell you postpartum hair loss is a real thing, Perelel added in Biotin & Collagen Peptides (to the beauty blend) both of which support healthy hair, skin and nails. The stress support blend contains ashwagandha and l-theanine both which have been studies to lower cortisol levels (stress hormone). I love that they thought to include those into the mom support pack!

**these opinions are my own, I was not paid or compensated**