
A few things that brought me peace during the pandemic was finding a routine in this “new normal”. With social distancing in place I focused a lot of my efforts into physical fitness and healthy eating. These were two areas of my life that I could control.  Luckily at-home workouts were definitely trending, and I could control my grocery shopping habits and focus on healthy eating. 

I had joined my gym for an annual membership earlier in the year and I am grateful they went virtual right away. I penciled in all of my classes, transformed my home office into a “studio” and finally found a good groove of exercising in my house. 

As far as healthy eating goes, I was quick to order a Vitamix from Amazon and learned some easy recipes to make in it. I honestly used it everyday (best investment of 2020) I highly recommend it! I focused on shopping the circumference of the grocery store, and while I wasn’t perfect I made some changes that have stuck!

These two changes gave me peace of mind, and a sense of control during a time that was so turbulent and unpredictable.

Linda Dumas