A Covid-19 Thanksgiving

The CDC released guidelines for celebrating Thanksgiving, and most people are feeling really discouraged about it. Over the past 7 days there have been over 1 Million cases of Covid-19 in the US, and the guidelines state families should celebrate with their immediate family only. The pandemic has certainly taken its toll on most, myself included. I haven’t seen my family since early March, and the prospect of seeing them anytime soon is highly unlikely. A Thanksgiving tradition in my family is to gather together and share what we are thankful for, and while I won’t be gathering instead I’ll be sharing. 

In light of celebrating a socially distant Covid Thanksgiving in 2020 I’m thankful for:

Health - my family has remained healthy during the pandemic. 

Reconnecting with friends - during a time that was extremely isolating having a connection with old friends was a lifesaver. We formed a video group chat and seeing them and hearing about their life has been so refreshing and renewing.

Fitness - in my opinion this is the best form of self care and escape from the stress the pandemic brought on. My gym was quick to transition to virtual and I was able to maintain a semi-regular routine. I can’t stress enough how much physical activity is beneficial to mental health and emotional well being.

Job Stability - while working in healthcare during a global pandemic was stressful and overwhelming at times, I do not take having a job for granted. I am thankful for my career and the profession of pharmacy.

Our Family - for their support and encouragement (from a distance). While we couldn’t be together physically, we made sure to FaceTime and call each other frequently. I am looking forward to 2021 when we can see each other IRL.
