Defender Tea

I’m always inspired by people who start their own businesses, they see a need and they go after it. I was recently contacted by Defender Tea, and this company started during the pandemic. The founder recognized that healthcare professionals were putting it all on the line during the pandemic and he created his own line of tea with a focus on supporting the immune system. As a fellow new business owner, and tea lover I couldn’t wait to try out his products (now available on Amazon!)

Defender Tea graciously sent me 2 bags of their tea; Battle Berry and Fearless Flower. I have been enjoying the Battle Berry tea as my mid-day treat, it is very tasty and I love that it is composed of real berries. The ingredients are recognizable; bilberries, elderberries, and goji berries just to name a few. I have been adding the berries to a tea ball and steering them in hot water for 10 minutes to get the most antioxidants. I personally don’t add any sweetener to my tea, it is delicious!

Linda Dumas