Calm and Controlled

If I had to sum up motherhood, I would say that it is a journey that is filled with joy, challenges, and everything in between. A classic milestone of a child’s life is learning to ride a bike. It’s a little scary, after the training wheels come off. There is a real fear of falling, scraping your knee, and then deciding to get back up and try again. 

As a family we love taking bike rides around the neighborhood. After celebrating our son’s seventh birthday we made the decision that the train wheels must come off and stay off. In the evenings we encourage our son to ride short distances, just past the neighbor’s mailbox and back as we take turns running alongside him. A security blanket as he builds up his confidence. 

After a couple weeks of this, we talked with him about taking a big ride around the block. With his helmet snapped tight, elbow and knee pads secure he took off. He rode past the neighbor’s mailbox and kept going. As I rode my bike alongside him I couldn't help but hold my breath in anticipation of a fall or roadblock. But to my surprise, we made it around the block without a single mishap.

As we decided to circle back and head home, my son turned the handlebars and whispered, "Calm and Controlled." Unsure if I heard correctly, I asked him to say it a little louder. He repeated himself, and in that moment, I felt so many emotions at once. Pride, joy, and a touch of sadness that my little boy was growing up so fast.

"Calm and controlled" is the perfect saying to describe riding your bike around the neighborhood for the first time. But it's also the perfect mantra for anything new, whether it's going to a new class or applying for a new job. I couldn't think of a situation in which you wouldn't want to be just that - calm and controlled.

As I watched my son ride his bike, sitting tall on the seat while his legs propelled him forward, I couldn't help but wonder how he came up with such a perfect statement. He is wise beyond his years, I thought to myself. And I hope he holds onto that mantra, belief, and statement. It will serve him well in life.

In fact, I'm taking it as inspiration for myself. As a mother, I can use that reminder as I go about my day. Parenthood is a never-ending journey, one that requires us to be brave, patient, and resilient. When I was pregnant, I used to rub my belly and pray that my son would be brave. I wanted him to make brave choices, try new things, and experience life to the fullest. And as a mother, all of those wishes have come to fruition. While he is cautious and calculated, he is still brave. Whenever he tries something new or tries again after failing, that is bravery in action.

Watching my son ride his bike taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of staying calm and controlled in the face of new challenges. It also reminded me that parenthood is a journey that teaches us just as much as it teaches our children.

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Overheard at Home".

Linda Dumas