37 things

Yoga: I have been increasingly leaning into this practice this past year. It's about quieting the mind and pushing myself to try different poses, but most of all, it's the stretch and how I feel afterward.

Spotify Playlists: I started doing this after hearing it on a podcast about making a yearly playlist that encapsulates how the year felt. And I took it a step further and started making my kids an ongoing playlist of songs that make me think of them, and I love it!

Workshops: I signed up for a photography workshop, and I learned a lot about lighting and looking for beauty in mundane moments, and while I am not a pro, I do have a dozen photos I took during the course that I love and would have otherwise overlooked.

Writing Group: I decided to sign up after wanting to explore creative writing for a while. And I wonder why I waited so long. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in the group and taking more risks with my writing, and getting to see others has been such a joy.

Cesar Salads: This past year, I have become obsessed with Cesar salads, and I have been ordering one everywhere I go and comparing them. I don't see this changing anytime soon!

Good Pens: I've been using the same pen for a while for journaling in my daughter's prompt journal, and I've become a snob about what I write with. I recently found a new contender for my favorite pen: the Stabilo point 88 fine 0.4, and. I like them because they are more affordable than my last favorite pen, and I go thru them fast!

Magazine: I started as the content manager of a small, local magazine in my town, and it has become something I truly love. I am getting to meet new people and write stories, and since I have a deadline, it's a good form of accountability. And it's paid writing work!

Oura Ring: I've wanted one for a while, but the price tag was a deterrent. But I got the opportunity to be in a study, and the Oura ring was part of the package, so it was free for me! I have been looking forward to reviewing my scores every day, and I could write an entire post about my recovery (per the oura ring) after working a 12-hour day.

Using what I already have: This is obvious, but I (like many others, I'm sure) get caught up in buying something new just to try it, instead of using up what I already have and then replacing it. 

Five Year Journal: I will be straightforward and say I was heavily influenced by my favorite podcast, "Bad on Paper," because both hosts have one, and they talk about looking back at previous posts, and deciding what to write versus not write. I was hesitant to buy one because I am "all or nothing," but I have strangely been very consistent with it! 

Matcha: I love coffee in the morning, and I've been incorporating matcha in the afternoon. I love trying new brands; I have a milk frother at work, and mixing one up is super easy! That caffeine boost is exactly what I need to power me thru the rest of my shift. 

Grammarly: I have to give credit to my husband, who purchased the app and then let me borrow it. But I would pay double for it, and I will never write (again) without it! 

Fancy Drinks: I started this routine of whenever I had to do an errand, I would get fancy water, soda, or coffee, and now it's become a habit. Olipop and Sound are my current favorite.

Sober-Curious: I got a front-row seat at watching a very good friend go completely sober, and she is doing fantastic. And while I admire her, I feel like I fall into the sober curious camp. I have been focusing on going weeks without a drink and then slowly reintroducing it. I don't want to put myself in a box, but I am curious more now than ever about stopping alcohol entirely. 

Edits: I often need another set of eyes on my writing pieces. More so for the feedback and perspective that having someone read my unpublished work provides. And I am getting better at editing others' work as well. 

Hallmark Store: I got a new hallmark in town, and I've been going there to buy cards. They have such an assortment, and it's nostalgic shopping in a hallmark store. There used to be one in the mall I would go to as a tween. 

Stay-cation: Not all vacations have to be a big trips. I live in a very touristy area, and I wanted my kids to feel like they were on vacation when in fact, we were still in our town. I highly recommend taking a trip like this. 

Outdoor Walks: I love the idea of the 1000 hours outside, and I am doing my own version and focusing on taking as many walks as possible. I am not tracking it, but I should. 

Physical Books: I read more on audible than paper, but there is something about having a book (to give or display) that brings me joy. I have been buying more physical books lately and have zero regrets! 

Indoor Plants: I don't have any pets, but I have a ton of plants. You can never go wrong with adding a new plant to the lineup.

Planner: I have never been good about keeping a planner. I would always start strong and plan to write everything down, but alas wouldn't. But I have been keeping one this year, more out of necessity. I also try to keep a digital planner, but seeing it on paper makes me remember things. 

Prioritizing: I want to get better about this, but doing the hard stuff first and then being able to enjoy the fun stuff after. Knowing that I already accomplished what was needed of me. 

Career Coaching: I just finished coaching with The Happy PharmD, I'm not looking to change my career path, but I did want to level up my skills as I've been out of pharmacy school for 13 years!

Audible: This is easily one of my absolute favorite apps. 

Extrovert: I love meeting new people and talking with new people, and I get serious FOMO, and I am just going to start embracing that side of myself.

Skincare: I will splurge on skincare, and I love a good routine; currently using SkinCeuticals and can't say enough good stuff about the triple lipids

Big Vacation: I have a big vacation planned, and having that plan has given me something to look forward to! I can't wait for it! 

Lululemon: I said this last year and'll say it again. I love all of their products and have learned not to buy the cheap stuff because I inevitably end up going for my Lulu instead. 

Apple TV: I think I ended up with a subscription to this by accident… I noticed it after a few months and decided I should at least get my money's worth from it. So I watched Shrinking; it was so funny. And maybe my all-time favorite show was Severance.

Gua Sha: I'll be upfront and say that I was 100% skeptical about this, and I'm not sure it makes a difference in how my skin looks. But I like the way it feels. 

NYT Well & Nutrition: I got this app as a benefit of working for UF, it was free to professors and is my favorite place to read articles about health and wellness trends. Writing an article for them in the future would be an absolute dream. 

Instagram Detox: I've been deleting the app off my phone if I have a lot of work to do. It helps me refocus my attention on the projects before me and lifts my spirits, so I don't get stuck in the comparison trap. 

Peloton App: Last year, I did the Apple Fitness app, and I loved it; this year, I decided to change it up and try the Peloton app, and I love it even more. I have a bike, and I've been planning a quick spin before work. No promises, but I have been consistent this week. 

Children's Book: I have long been a fan of reading children's books to my kids to help them understand different things. I've had this idea for my children's Book for a while, and I want to finish the work. 

Sunshine Tienda Hats: I love being outside, and having a big straw hat is the only way to survive in the Florida summers. I absolutely love my hat. It's so light and feminine.

Apple Airtags: I keep thinking that with age, I will stop losing my stuff, but alas, I still can't find my keys! These airtags have saved my life, especially in the morning when I am inevitably running late.

Create Anyway: A book by one of my favorite writers. This Book was everything and gave me so much perspective as a writer and reminded me that I want my kids to see me doing the work.